Donate Instantly!
Point your phone at the QR Code below and you’ll be brought directly to PayPal!
Point your phone at the QR Code below and you’ll be brought directly to PayPal!
The Kal-Haven trail is free to all of the public! Upgrades are done solely through donations, grants, fundraisers, and hosting events. Without your donations the Kal-Haven Trail wouldn’t be the spectacular gem that it is.
Tax Information:
The Friends of The Kal-Haven Trail is registered as a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the
extent permitted by law.
non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the
extent permitted by law.
Donate on the Trail:
The yellow posts you’ll see at 10th Street in Kalamazoo, at Gobles, Grand Junction and South Haven are a great way for you to help the Friends’ by dropping in a few bucks or some loose change. Thanks!
Donate by Mail
Make your check out to Friends of The Kal-Haven Trail and mail to:
Friends of Kal-Haven Trail
P.O. Box 344
Portage, MI 49081
Corporate Donations
If you’re a corporate employee, your company may work with Benevity where your donation can often be matched by your employer.