
Donate Instantly!
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The Kal-Haven trail is free to all of the public! Upgrades are done solely through donations, grants, fundraisers, and hosting events. Without your donations the Kal-Haven Trail wouldn’t be the spectacular gem that it is.

Tax Information:
The Friends of The Kal-Haven Trail is registered as a 501(c)(3)
non-profit organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible to the
extent permitted by law.

Donate on the Trail:
The yellow posts you’ll see at 10th Street in Kalamazoo, at Gobles, Grand Junction and South Haven are a great way for you to help the Friends’ by dropping in a few bucks or some loose change. Thanks!

Donate by Mail
Make your check out to Friends of The Kal-Haven Trail and mail to:

Friends of Kal-Haven Trail
P.O. Box 344
Portage, MI 49081
Corporate Donations
If you’re a corporate employee, your company may work with Benevity where your donation can often be matched by your employer.